Better Jobs Ontario
( Formerly the Second Career Program )
Skills training to help you find greater opportunities. Find out if you are eligible.
What is the Better Jobs Ontario Program?
Better Jobs Ontario is a funding program designed to support people living in Ontario who need skills training to help them find greater opportunities for employment in occupations with better job prospects.
In 2008, the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development implemented the Second Career program to help laid-off and unemployed workers make the transition to second careers in growing areas of the economy. As of 2022, the program has been changed to Better Jobs Ontario
Why enroll in the Better Jobs Ontario Program?
Better Jobs Ontario funding can help pay for tuition, books, transportation, caring for a dependant, living expenses, and other approved items.
This funding is not a loan. This funding is provided through the Ontario Government for people who have been negatively impacted by the economy.
Nokee Kwe assists people through this process, however the final funding decision is made by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.
Eligibility Criteria
If you meet these criteria, please contact us to book an appointment to discuss the next steps required.
We will further evaluate your eligibility and suitability for the Better Jobs Ontario program together.
Eligibility Criteria - “Laid-off and Unemployed”
For the purposes of the Better Jobs Ontario program, “laid-off” individuals also include those:
whose fixed-term employment contract has expired;
who have received EI Part I maternity or parental benefits and are seeking to re-enter the labor force;
who have left work due to medical reasons; or
who were laid-off and then became self-employed.
Individuals laid off from another country with demonstrated evidence of their lay-off may be considered.
Individuals who were laid-off can be considered unemployed if they:
are working less than an average of 20 hours per week,
have taken an interim job to earn enough income to provide for basic needs after their initial lay-off, or
are continuing to receive salary via salary continuance or received severance pay.
Low-Income Household with Challenges Attaching to the Labour Market
For the purposes of the BJO program, individuals are considered to be from a low-income household and experiencing challenges attaching to the labour market, if they meet all criteria below:
a) Do not have a lay-off event
b) Have been unemployed for 6 months or longer, defined as meeting one of the criteria below:
without work but actively seeking employment and currently available to start work or;
not working more than an average of 20 hours per week, or;
engaging in unincorporated, self-employment without a business number for an average of 20 hours per week or less. Note: Individuals who currently have or have had an incorporated business with a business number within the last 6 months are not eligible.
c) Are part of a household where the combined income of the client and their spouse is at or below the Statistics Canada Low Income Cut-Off (LICO). Individuals in receipt of social assistance at the time of applying to Better Jobs Ontario are considered below the LICO.
d) Have had a two-year period where they did not attend high school (full-time, part-time or academic upgrading) with the following exceptions:
Have left full-time high school and participated in Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programming within the last two years and/or
Are currently in receipt of social assistance.

Better Jobs Ontario Webinars
The employment and career counsellors at Nokee Kwe Employment and Education Centre have prepared these webinars to help you determine your eligibility for Employment Ontario’s “Better Jobs Ontario” training program.
How to Enroll in the Better Jobs Ontario Program
The Better Jobs Ontario process requires a commitment of several weeks to complete the required research, networking, and financial assessment. This program has specific qualifications regarding eligibility and suitability. To find out if you qualify for Better Jobs Ontario funding, book an appointment with one of our counsellors for an assessment interview.
There are three assessment levels to determine participation in the Better Jobs Ontario program:
Determines if individuals meet the baseline requirement for further assessment and consideration.
Relative need or priority for skills training. Determines if eligible individuals meet the recommended threshold.
Financial Need
Determines the amount of financial assistance eligible individuals will receive through the Better Jobs Ontario program.

Let’s Get Started
Client Testimonial
“I first came to Nokee Kwe to find out about what options I have in terms of searching for other employment opportunities or going back to school to learn new skills and secure a job. My contact Blanca was very professional, caring and knowledgeable. She has been a great support in everything from writing a resume, to searching for jobs to preparing for interviews. I always felt that she cared about my personal development and reached out to me with valuable information in my job search and in furthering my education/ training. Since my first visit to Nokee Kwe, I have been able to go back to school, complete my program and secure employment in the field I have studied. I would like to thank the team at Nokeekwe, and specifically, Blanca for all the assistance she provided.”