Nokee Kwe Customer Service Charter
This Charter Tells You About:
Our commitment to provide you with a quality service
Our service standards
Our information and services
How you can help us help you
How you can provide a compliment or make a complaint
Charter Explanation
Nokee Kwe, founded on Indigenous principles, is dedicated to creating, promoting and sustaining culturally sensitive environments, which encourage and support personal development and self determination.
At Nokee Kwe, we will be known as an organization that is a leader in the provision of holistic and comprehensive services to Indigenous and Non-Indigenous individuals, assisting them in making meaningful life choices
Our values and beliefs define how we act on a daily basis. They apply collectively and individually to our participants, volunteers and staff, and the way we relate to the community. Values and Beliefs at Nokee Kwe are based on the principles of nurturing the spirit, mind, emotion and body, manifested daily in our being.
In accordance with the above, our staff agrees to perform their duties in an impartial and professional manner, being open and accountable for their work, follow the National Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners in their practices and conduct themselves with the highest ethical standards
Our Commitment To You And Our Service Standards Are Based On The Indigenous Holistic Teachings Of The 7 Grandfathers. You Can Expect:
We recognize that you bring with you unique life and work experiences and this will serve as a guide to your career decision making. With a long standing history of working with a variety of employers, we strive to create mutually beneficial employment relationships. Our staff is knowledgeable, experienced and professional.
We promote respect and dignity for all individuals; staff, clients and the community. We have a long honoured tradition of valuing diversity. While accessing services here, certain personal information is required to deliver service in accordance with Employment Ontario Standards. You will be made aware of what information is required. This and other personal information will be collected, stored, used and disclosed in accordance with relevant privacy legislation.
We strive for continuous improvement across the organization through staff training, staff development and program development. We welcome participant and community feedback to ensure we are meeting community and employer needs.
Career Directions encourages the exploration and discovery of options and self-determination for all clients. We strive to empower individuals, groups and the community. A staff member will always be available to answer your questions if you are coming in to access our information and resource centre. We strive to meet with you within 5 business days; however this could be dependant on demand for our service.
We guide ourselves by the code of professional ethics in the National Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners.
We recognize that changes in employment, or career plans, are stressful. We acknowledge your bravery in taking this first step to make a positive change in your life, and we will support you as you move forward with your future career plans.
We encourage ongoing self assessment to increase your self-awareness and career/life success.
Our Career Directions Information and Services
Information on our Programs and Services can be found on our website
We will provide regular and ongoing information sessions where you can learn more about the programs and services available through Career Directions and other Nokee Kwe services
Individual and/or group career counseling
Career and employment workshops
Employer services
Work placements
Job search strategies
Information and resource centre
To Help us Help You, We Ask That You:
Tell us if you have any special needs
Provide us with all requested information, questions/concerns you may have and details of changes in your circumstance in a timely manner
Please tell us if you do not understand something
Treat us, others and the Nokee Kwe environment with courtesy and respect
Participate fully in the services offered by Nokee Kwe in a spirit of good humor and cooperation
Career Directions at Nokee Kwe is an adult employment and training program. However, should an emergency arise where you would need to bring a child into our information and resource centre, please ensure that those in your care are properly supervised and respectful of others working on their career plans
Inform yourself of Nokee Kwe policies, charters and rules as they pertain to you and observe these at all times
Our Feedback Process for Compliments or Complaints:
We value your feedback, so please let us know how we may improve our services, or how we can help to resolve a specific service problem
When you provide feedback, your privacy and confidentiality will be respected and protected. You can provide feedback in writing without giving your name
On certain occasions, we may request your feedback or comments to use in our marketing material, you will have the final say as to how much of your feedback, comments or information is made public
Grievance Process
We strive to have a respectful, safe and positive environment while you are here making your career and employment decisions. It is our hope that if the grievance is with another client, you would first try to resolve it with that person. However, should a problem arise during the delivery of service, and it cannot be resolved in a mutually satisfactory manner, you may seek redress by following these procedures:
Record in writing the problem, the efforts made to resolve it, and the results obtained
If the grievance involves staff, you should attempt to resolve the issue with the conflicting parties immediate manager
If you are not satisfied with the manager’s solution, or if the problem originated between you and a manager, in very unusual circumstances, the grievance can be directed to the Executive Director, or Board of Directors in lieu of an Executive Director, for resolution
The Executive Director, or Board of Directors, after receiving your updated written account of your redress efforts, will resolve the problem within five working days
Under all but the most unusual circumstances, this response will be the final decision.
Your letter may be delivered to
Contact Information
For more information on our charter, policies and other services at Nokee Kwe please contact us via website, phone, or written letter.
In a temporary location:
(Please write “CONFIDENTIAL” on the outside of the envelope)