Career Directions and Employment Centre
Supporting Everyone on the Path to Employment
Career Services that Work
Job Search Supports
Access to Job Opportunities and Employers Not Advertised On Job Sites
Assistance With Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews
Connecting People With Employers
Employment Counselling And Career Planning
Job Search Assistance And Support
Resources for Faxing, Scanning, Printing, Phone, and Job Search
On the Job Supports
Financial Support For Qualifying New Hires
Job Creation Partnerships
Job Training
Post-hiring Support
Career Growth Resources
Adjusting After Job Loss
Assistance With Post-secondary Funding, Including Better Jobs Ontario
Providing Current Labour Market Information
Referrals to Community Services
Return to Work Support
Standardized Career Assessments

Nokee Kwe Job Search Webinars
The Employment and Career Counsellors at Nokee Kwe Employment and Education Centre have prepared a series of Webinars to enhance your chances of success in getting the job you want. View the full series of job search videos on the Nokee Kwe Youtube Channel.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
Nokee Kwe is committed to providing safe, culturally sensitive, and accessible services to everyone.
If you require additional support or special accommodations, please let us know when you book your appointment.
During your first appointment, we will complete an intake form to enrol you as a Nokee Kwe client.
This process will require approximately 45 minutes of your time.
We will develop a customized action plan together to support your desired career direction.
Please note that a person can only be registered with one Employment Ontario agency at a time. If you are enrolled with another agency, please let us know during the intake process.
Please have the following materials with you to assist you through the process:
Social Insurance Number
A current resume in electronic or paper form
Documents that verify your current source of income. (For example: A recent pay stub, an “Employment Insurance My Current Claim” an Ontario Works stub, etc.)
Legal Identification
Click here for a list of acceptable identity documents from Service Ontario
After our intake is complete, an experienced member of our team will meet with you to discuss your:
Assistance identifying barriers to employment and/or education
Employment and/or education history
Employment Skills
Job Search Skills
Needs related to skills or training upgrading
Short and long term goals related to employment and/or education

Recent Job Posts
Current Job Opportunities
London, Ontario Jobs
Canada Job Boards
Industry Specific Jobs
Arts & Culture
London Public Library

Let’s Get Started
Client Testimonial
“Nokee Kwe has been instrumental in helping me find my next step towards employment and personal success. Their friendly and helpful staff assist you in any way they can and are a great resource and very knowledgeable about employment issues. They will do everything they can to answer any questions you have. The workshops that Nokee Kwe presents are very well instructed and designed to educate and inspire you for your next employment steps. I would highly endorse Nokee Kwe for any of your employment needs.”