COVID-19 Information
Please note that the Nokee Kwe office is now taking walk-in appointments from 9am until 4pm. We can also serve you digitally - online or by phone - at this time.
To book an appointment for employment, educational support, or to register for Positive Voice, please contact the staff at Nokee Kwe.
Middlesex-London Health Unit - Local updates. If you have questions about COVID-19, please contact the Middlesex-London Health Unit.
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services - For Public Health Updates on COVID-19, visit the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Website.
Chiefs of Ontario - Find the Latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates Here. This website provides information on emergency planning and preparedness, as well as on the unique programs and services that are available to First Nations in Ontario during times of emergency.
Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians - COVID-19 Ontario updates on child care and education (closures, camps, teachers, post-secondary).
Government of Canada Financial Supports - Find more information on financial supports for Indigenous individuals, students, organizations, communities, and businesses.
Government of Canada Awareness Resources and Videos - Find and share resources to learn how to prevent the spread of coronavirus and protect yourself and your community from the coronavirus outbreak.
What if I'm feeling unwell?
If you are experiencing a fever and/or cough, the Middlesex-London Health Unit recommends you first use the Ontario Ministry of Health’s online self-assessment tool to understand symptoms. If you are still concerned, call 811 or Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 for further assessment and direction on next steps.
Anyone with severe respiratory illness, or a medical emergency should go to the hospital.
If you are not able to assess your symptoms, consider visiting one of London’s COVID-19 Assessment Centres;
1) Oakridge Arena, 825 Valetta Street – open Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM or
2) Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre, 656 Elizabeth St. – open seven days a week from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
It is important to note that there will be no testing, medication or treatment onsite. The Assessment Centres are intended to educate and provide further medical guidance as well as to triage individuals and determine the next steps in their care.
For more information on COVID-19 visit the Middlesex-London Health Unit.
Together we can all do our part to help prevent the spread of this virus and keep our community safe.