Employer Services
Connecting employers to skilled and motivated candidates looking for work.
Hiring the right people is critical to the success of any business. That’s where we come in – connecting employers to skilled and motivated candidates looking for work.
Nokee Kwe offers a range of free resources, supports, and services to support the career and employment needs of individuals and the skilled labour needs of employers, and can help individuals on a path to higher skill training and employment.
Our professional staff take the time to understand each employer’s unique staffing needs, identify the best candidate to meet those needs, and monitor the placement on an ongoing basis to ensure employer satisfaction.
Recruitment Services
Nokee Kwe offers employers the opportunity to connect with and retain the right employees based on specific needs.
Arrange staffing interviews and job fairs
Assessment of potential candidates
Free advertising for available jobs
Job descriptions and prevailing wage rate information
Ongoing support and follow-up through the placement for both the employer and the employee
Provide apprenticeship coordination
Provide free job postings on our website and job boards
Provide information about other Employment Ontario programs and services available
Provide space to interview clients
Refer pre-screened clients to meet your hiring needs
Workshops & Information Sessions for Employers
Apprenticeship information on Tax Credits & Grants Available
Labour Market Information Essential Skills Assessments
Health & Safety Training
Employment Standards
Covid-19 updates
Employer Services
Nokee Kwe assists employers with the following services:
Assist with assessing employee skills, interests, and preferences, matching them with employer workplace needs
Offer financial incentives for eligible candidates to assist with training costs
Provide apprenticeship coordination
Provide support in identifying and resolving workplace issues
Refer pre-screened clients to meet your hiring requirements
Support job retention by monitoring and coaching participant on-the-job training progress
Work with employers to develop individual training plans
Job Matching, Placement, and Incentives Program
Employees may be eligible for on-the-job training and/or work experience incentives, and in some cases, additional support to help keep them in the job. Our Job Matching, Placement, and Incentives program offers you the opportunity to connect with and retain the right employees based on your specific needs.
To participate in a work placement, employers must:
Be licensed to operate in Ontario
Provide employment in Ontario
Have appropriate workplace safety and insurance coverage and adequate third party general liability insurance coverage

Financial Incentives
Employers may be eligible to receive financial incentives that support on-the-job training and work experience opportunities for participants. The financial incentives vary and are based on the skill level and length of training required.
Our Career Employment Specialists will work closely with the employer and participants to assess financial incentives and the availability of funding for the program.
News and Events

Let’s Get Started
Client Testimonial
“You and your team were instrumental in assisting us to find qualified candidates to take on the role(s) of Crew Leader(s) and Enumerator(s) and I cannot thank you enough for your cooperation, assistance and the use of your impressive facility to conduct testing sessions and interviews.”